New Study Revises the Estimated Number of Tyrannosaurus rex That Roamed Earth

A recent study has made significant strides in our understanding of the Tyrannosaurus rex, one of the most famous dinosaurs that ever roamed the Earth. This captivating research unveils new estimates concerning the population of this gigantic predator and sheds light on intriguing questions about their fossils and lifestyle.

Change in Population Estimates

The study has remarkably reduced the estimated number of Tyrannosaurus rex that once inhabited the Earth to approximately 1.7 billion individuals. This new number presents a challenge to the previous estimate from 2021, which pegged the population at 2.5 billion individuals. Nonetheless, 1.7 billion is still a staggering amount of these prehistoric giants.

The Mystery of the Fossils

An intriguing question that arises from this revelation is the whereabouts of all the fossils. Despite the enormous numbers, only a tiny fraction of T. rex fossils have been unearthed. Interestingly, it’s believed that not even the largest specimens have been discovered. A study conducted in November 2022 estimated that the most colossal T. rex was 70% larger than Scotty, the Saskatchewan skeleton discovered in 1991. While Scotty was estimated to weigh over 19,000 pounds in life, a larger T. rex could have tipped the scales at more than 30,000 pounds.

Walking Speed of the T. rex

Besides population size and physical dimensions, the study also offered insights into the T. rex’s walking speed. Scientists now believe that the creature had the same walking speed as humans, averaging around three miles per hour. This is a significant revision compared to the previously assumed walking speed of six miles per hour, as reported by Live Science.


This new study paints a more detailed picture of the Tyrannosaurus rex and its existence 68 million years ago. The revised population numbers, insights into the size of the specimens, and their walking speed contribute significantly to our understanding of these majestic creatures.