Today, more and more people are choosing to work from home when their employers allow it. Some love the idea of getting out of bed, making a cup of coffee, then heading over to the desk for a good day’s work. Not much of a commute, when you think about it. The following are a few tips on how to manage your job at home while keeping an eye on your children:

• Control your environment by creating a clearly designated work area. That way the children will know where it’s at and so will you.

• Break up work into manageable chunks. For example, when you’re children are awake, give them as much attention as need be, but also remember to schedule your tasks around their naps. You can’t go wrong with an effective “to do” list.

• Figure out when you are the most productive and home in on that time period. For example, one woman found she gets most of her work done between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m., long before her children are awake.

• Remember your priorities: A child whose mother ignores her while working at home is probably better off in the care of somebody who is less distracted.