Ideas for Falling Asleep Fast

Fatigue is a safety issue that affects every aspect of life and work. But some people spend enough time in bed, they just don’t sleep. From night-to-night there could be different reasons why you can’t fall asleep. Ask yourself why. Are you: –...

Sun Safety Tips for Kids

Avoid damaging sunburns this summer by using sunscreen properly, covering up when possible, and playing outside during recommended times, according to Kids Health. Even if your children don’t seem to burn easily, damaging UVA and UVB rays from the sun will still...

Activities for Active Kids

Keep kids active this summer by playing fun backyard games like balloon volleyball or a create-your-own obstacle course, according to Sign Up Genius. To set up the balloon volleyball, hang a jump rope across an area and use inflated balloons to make it easy for all...

How to Boost the Flavor and Health of Fresh Food

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are very nutritious but the fact is that by taking a couple of simple steps you can actually boost both the flavor and the actual nutritional value of your fresh produce. A lot of people think that fresh fruit and vegetables...

How You Can Create a Better Work Life Balance

Creating a better work-life balance can be difficult, but these tips will help you get on the right track. Simplify. It’s human nature to take on too many responsibilities and to try to do too much. This can create an off-balance work-life scenario. You need to find a...

44 Things You Should Know About Your Nutrition

Nutrition is important and yet there is so much most of us still don’t know. Here are 44 things you should know about your nutrition. 1. Always Eat breakfast. 2. Apples will protect your heart. 3. At least once a week, make a fruit salad. 4. Bananas will strengthen...