Just think what we would be like if we didn’t have our brains. While we often take them for granted and even ignore them, they truly are one of our most amazing organs. Let’s have a look at some fun brain science.

Did you know that your brain has more neuron cells than the total number of stars in the galaxy? That’s about 100 billion neurons. These neurons are little cells in our brains that are electrically charged and they make sense of all the information they receive from our senses. Without these little neurons we couldn’t make sense of anything.

There are several parts to our brains but the three main parts are the brain stem, cerebellum, and cerebrum.

The lower part of our brain is the brain stem and this is where our brain connects to your spinal cord. There are many different systems in your body that need to work automatically such as your heart pumping, and that’s part of the brain stems job to control your body functions.

The cerebrum is your forebrain and it is mainly responsible for your memories, language, and movement. For example, as you read this article your cerebrum is making sense of it all.

Some Fun Brain Science

Just think what we would be like if we didn’t have our brains. While we often take them for granted and even ignore them, they truly are one of our most amazing organs. Let’s have a look at some fun brain science.

Did you know that your brain has more neuron cells than the total number of stars in the galaxy? That’s about 100 billion neurons. These neurons are little cells in our brains that are electrically charged and they make sense of all the information they receive from our senses. Without these little neurons we couldn’t make sense of anything.

There are several parts to our brains but the three main parts are the brain stem, cerebellum, and cerebrum.

The lower part of our brain is the brain stem and this is where our brain connects to your spinal cord. There are many different systems in your body that need to work automatically such as your heart pumping, and that’s part of the brain stems job to control your body functions.

The cerebrum is your forebrain and it is mainly responsible for your memories, language, and movement. For example, as you read this article your cerebrum is making sense of it all.