The advantages of having pets definitely outweigh the disadvantages, such as shedding. Most breeds of cats will shed year round which will increase during the spring and summer. Shedding is a normal cycle for a cat after the cold weather has passed and a heavy coat is no longer needed. There are other conditions such as allergies, stress and illness which can cause abnormal shedding and should be addressed. There are a few steps you can take to minimize or control regular and excessive shedding.

Seasonal Shedding

Most cats will shed the most is the spring and taper off through the summer to keep their body temperature from overheating. Indoor cats may shed consistently and lighter year round due to their limited exposure to the changing temperatures and daily ambient indoor temperatures. Outdoor cats have a lighter coat in the warmer months and a heavier coat during the colder months. They will have a more noticeable shedding period. Shedding can be minimized by regular brushings, baths, cleansing wipes and commercials products made to control shedding.

Food Allergies

If your cat is shedding excessively check the ingredients in the food your cat is eating. Most cat allergies can be traced to grains, wheat, soy, rice and corn. Cheap brands of cat food that contain beef, lamb and poultry can also trigger allergies. Switching to a high quality brand designed for improving coat usually alleviates the allergies and shedding.

Stress and Anxiety

Shedding should be expected when there is a change in the environment such as moving, a visit to the vet, visitors, a new baby or new pets. Allow your cat a quiet and secluded area to hide and calm down, don’t pressure the cat to interact with people or other pets. The shedding should subside when the environment is back to normal or the cat has acclimated to the new conditions.


Normal shedding doesn’t cause bald spots, patchy areas or thinning fur. Skin irritation, fleas and parasites can cause stress and increased amounts of licking or grooming. If your cat is licking aggressively, vomiting, has abnormal eliminations, behaving out of the ordinary and shedding more than usual seek veterinary care.