Fancy Apples Take Over Groceries

August means apples and apples remain a North American favorite. Americans eat 28 pounds of apples per year. In fact, all of North America is crazy for the fruit that has been a dietary staple since at least the 1600s. In 2019, unlike the previous 175 years, people...

Protect Your Heart In The Heat

Summertime heat brings with it special considerations for those with heart conditions, and it's especially important to stay hydrated and as cool as possible during these dog days. For every degree your body's temperature rises, your heart beats 10 BPM faster,...

Where To Vacation And Avoid The August Crowds

Peanut butter and jelly. Gin and tonic. August and crowds. They just go together. It's understandable, as work schedules and school schedules seem to allow for a majority of the population's vacations to occur within the same short window of time. With a little...

Grilling Corn On The Cob

Corn on the cob is a crowd favorite during the summer, and according to Oh Sweet Basil, four secrets will help you prepare it on the grill perfectly. The first step is to pull the husks back on the corn without removing them and strip away the silk strands. Next, fill...

What Do You Call That Pretty Firework?

Cake. Chrysanthemum. Waterfall. If you've ever wondered what to call the different types of fireworks you see during a professional show, other than "that cool one that trailed off," you've come to the right place -- and can impress (or annoy) your friends afterward....

Fireworks Safety

* Use fireworks on a hard, flat and level surface. The surface should be in an open area away from buildings, vehicles and shrubbery. * Use a long-handled lighter so you can keep as far away as possible. * Light one at a time. If it doesn't light, don't try to relight...

What To Love Most About Dad

Psychologists say fathers give children a sense of well-being, self-control, inner strength and all that good stuff. But forget all that. Let's get real. Dads are fun. Maybe there is a Dad School somewhere that teaches them basic Dad stuff because they more or less...

Fathers In Film Have Changed Over Time

It's the month that celebrates Father's Day, which makes it a good time to reflect on the ways fathers have been portrayed on TV. Dads have traveled quite the route, starting with the 9-to-5 businessman who steered the household, steady and secure. The family around...

Road Trips for June

Welcome to June, when thoughts turn to vacations. School vacation, work vacation, whatever -- it's summer and it's time to chill. Or travel. Looking for something fun to do this month? Here are some events to fire up your brainstorming and kick off the summer season:...