Make your co-workers love you

Make your co-workers love you

Offices are like minifamilies. Co-workers spend up to 11 hours a day in close proximity, sharing the same office space, facilities, break rooms, refrigerators, and coffee pots. Everyone shares responsibility for making the company work, run smoothly and stay...
Magic Cards

Magic Cards

Magic has been around for centuries. It has even been associated with medieval times in stories of Merlin and King Arthur, which has made religious people believe that this was evil. And people who knew it and practiced it were considered to be heretics and were...
History of the Lollipop

History of the Lollipop

The National Confectioners Association speculates that the first primitive lollipop was a stick used by a caveman to collect honey from a beehive. In Europe during the Middle Ages, the high cost of sugar made candy a delicacy and lollipops came into being because it...