Earth Day 2020: The Tweeting Tree

This is where things stand now: when someone mentions “tweet” and “tree,” they’re not necessarily referring to birds in branches. A 110-year-old Red Oak at Harvard Forest in Massachusetts has an actual Twitter account and posts updates...

Spring Break Should Be Fun, Not Dangerous

Spring break is almost here again and for many college and university students, a weeklong vacation will not only mean a break from their studies but also a chance to get warm. Far from being about sunbathing retreats, though, spring break has evolved into a ritual of...

March Is National Kidney Month

Some painkillers may harm kidneys If you regularly take over-the-counter painkillers, especially for a long period of time, consider checking with your doctor about a kidney function test. OTC pain and fever reducers are not dangerous. But, over time, some painkillers...

Presidents Day: One Time Everyone Agreed

Strange to think, but there was one time in the United States of America that everyone pretty much agreed on who should be president. That was the first and second terms of George Washington — war hero, patriot — and the first president of the newly minted...