Happy Family Secrets

One of the most important tips to having a happy family after children come along is to make sure you still put the marriage first. The relationship between you and your partner must still be the first priority in a family. There are a number of families where the...

Help Your Kids Master Math

A good grounding in math usually leads to success in school, and in life. But many children struggle with math, and their parents do, too. If you want to multiply their potential, follow this advice for helping your children master math: • Keep your attitude positive....

Disney’s philosophy: Strive to go further

In the 1920s and 1930s, cartoons were short features shown in theaters before the main film. Walt Disney had already made his name in these short subjects by employing innovations like sound and color, and by creating the character of Mickey Mouse. But sound and color...

Be a Family with Purpose

A family with purpose is one who knows who they are and what they stand for as well as what they want out of life. A family with purpose has dreams and goals as well as actual plans for how to make those dreams come true and achieve those goals. A family with purpose...

7 Key Things to Keep your Pet Healthy

Our pets are our family and so we want to make sure that we keep them happy and healthy. Let’s look at 7 key things you can do to keep your pet healthy. Spay and neuter your pet – In addition to the risk of pregnancy, there are a number of health risks associated with...